The collapse of the ____________ Empire after World War I led to _____________ control of Southwest Asia. The _____________ powers divided the lands of Southwest Asia into territories called _____________. The mandate system caused conflict because it grouped ________ together with little regard for __________ and _____________ differences. This led to resentment and ________________.

What are the options? - W. G.

no options fill in the blank

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The collapse of the Ottoman Empire after World War I led to European control of Southwest Asia. The European powers, primarily Britain and France, divided the lands of Southwest Asia into territories called mandates.

To get the answer to your question, you can look at history books or online resources that cover the aftermath of World War I and the establishment of mandates in Southwest Asia. By studying these sources, you will learn about the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, European control of the region, the division of lands into mandates, and the consequences of the mandate system.

The mandate system caused conflict because it grouped different ethnic and religious groups together with little regard for their historical and cultural differences. This led to resentment and tensions between these groups, often resulting in conflicts and struggles for control over territory.

In summary, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire led to European control of Southwest Asia, with Britain and France dividing the region into mandates. The mandate system's arbitrary grouping of different ethnic and religious groups caused conflicts and resentment among these groups.

Ottoman, European, European, mandates, ethnic, religious, unrest