Which synonym for outstanding has a negative connotation?(1 point) Responses:



To determine which synonym for "outstanding" has a negative connotation, you can analyze the meanings and context of each option.

1. Exceptional: This synonym generally carries a positive connotation, suggesting something being extraordinary, remarkable, or outstanding in a positive way.

2. Excellent: This synonym also conveys a positive connotation, indicating something being of extremely high quality, superior, or exceptional.

3. Superior: This synonym implies that something is better or higher in quality or rank than others. It does not inherently carry a negative connotation and can be seen as positive.

4. Unresolved: This synonym has a negative connotation because it means something that is not resolved, settled, or completed. It suggests a lingering issue or something that remains outstanding in a negative sense.

Therefore, the answer is "unresolved."

The synonym for outstanding that has a negative connotation is unresolved.