A man earns £565.85 a week. He has deductions of £213.50 for tax and another deduction of £83.75. How much does he receive?

The man receives £268.60 after deductions.

565.85 - 213.50 - 83.75 = 268.60

To calculate how much the man receives, we need to subtract the deductions from his earning.

Step 1: Subtract the tax deduction from his earnings:
£565.85 - £213.50 = £352.35

Step 2: Subtract the other deduction from the previous result:
£352.35 - £83.75 = £268.60

Therefore, the man receives £268.60.

To calculate how much the man receives, we need to subtract the deductions from his weekly earnings.

1. Start with the man's earnings of £565.85.
2. Subtract the deduction for tax, which is £213.50. (£565.85 - £213.50 = £352.35).
3. Subtract the additional deduction of £83.75. (£352.35 - £83.75 = £268.60).

Therefore, the man will receive £268.60 after deductions.