By sharpeninga wedge you ____ the machines mechanical advantage.


To determine the effect of sharpening a wedge on the machine's mechanical advantage, you need to understand the basic principles of wedges.

A wedge is a simple machine that consists of two inclined planes that meet at a sharp edge or point. It is primarily used to split or separate objects by applying a lateral force. The mechanical advantage of a wedge is directly related to its sharpness.

When you sharpen a wedge, you are essentially reducing the angle between the two inclined planes and making the edge or point thinner and sharper. This improves the wedge's ability to penetrate or split objects. As a result, the mechanical advantage of the wedge increases.

The mechanical advantage of a wedge can be calculated by dividing the length of the wedge by its thickness. As the thickness decreases due to sharpening, the mechanical advantage increases. This means that a sharper wedge requires less force to split or separate objects compared to a duller wedge.

In conclusion, sharpening a wedge increases the machine's mechanical advantage, making it more efficient in splitting or separating objects.

By sharpening a wedge, you increase the machine's mechanical advantage.