Which of the following is the correct way to name the entire figure shown?

1. Line MN
2. Ray MN
3. Line Segment MN

4. Ray Segment MN

Answer: Line Segment MN

To identify the correct way to name the entire figure shown, we need to consider the definitions of each option.

1. Line MN: A line extends indefinitely in both directions and does not have endpoints. So, naming the entire figure "Line MN" would not be appropriate.

2. Ray MN: A ray starts at a point and extends indefinitely in one direction. So, naming the entire figure "Ray MN" would only describe a portion of the figure, not the entire figure.

3. Line Segment MN: A line segment is a part of a line that has two endpoints. Naming the entire figure "Line Segment MN" would accurately describe the entire figure since it has distinct endpoints M and N.

Therefore, the correct way to name the entire figure shown is "Line Segment MN".

The correct way to name the entire figure shown is "Line Segment MN" (option 3).