Full out the blank. Days went by and there wasn’t a ______________ in the case. No new clues. The detectives used their logical thinking. They eliminated many possible suspects by ________________. Then, Detective Sesame got a _________; he had a feeling that he didn’t get all of the information from the employees. He went back to Mama’s Burger Joint and re-interviewed three of the cooks and one cleaner. Finally, he put all of the pieces of the puzzle together through ____________. He figured out what happened to the missing cheeseburgers!! Did you??

break, deduction, hunch, deduction

um sorry but what is the point of this

please answer thank u

Full out the blank. Days went by and there wasn’t a **breakthrough** in the case. No new clues. The detectives used their logical thinking. They eliminated many possible suspects by **cross-referencing alibis**. Then, Detective Sesame got a **hunch**; he had a feeling that he didn’t get all of the information from the employees. He went back to Mama’s Burger Joint and re-interviewed three of the cooks and one cleaner. Finally, he put all of the pieces of the puzzle together through **deductive reasoning**. He figured out what happened to the missing cheeseburgers!! Did you??

To fill in the blanks in the passage, you need to understand the context and purpose of the sentences. In this case, the blanks require choosing suitable words that fit with the narrative.

For the first blank, since no new clues were found, a word that conveys the lack of progress or development in the case would be appropriate, such as "breakthrough."

For the second blank, the sentence implies that the detectives eliminated suspects by checking their alibis or verifying their whereabouts during the time of the crime. Therefore, "cross-referencing alibis" makes sense as it accurately represents the process of eliminating suspects.

For the third blank, the sentence suggests that Detective Sesame had a gut feeling or intuition about missing information. The word "hunch" fits this description.

Lastly, the sentence mentions that the detective put the pieces of the puzzle together using a specific form of reasoning. "Deductive reasoning" is a method of logical thinking used to make conclusions based on given information and eliminating possibilities.

By understanding the context and purpose of the sentences, you can accurately fill in the blanks with suitable words.