Find the definitions of... Antonym -


Synonym -


Context Clues -

To find the definitions of these terms, you can refer to various sources such as dictionaries, glossaries, or online resources. Here's how you can find the definitions:

1. Antonym:
An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning to another word. To find its definition, you can:
- Use an online dictionary such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford Dictionaries. Search for the word "antonym" and read the provided definition.
- Open a physical dictionary and look for the entry of "antonym." It usually provides the definition along with some examples.

2. Synonym:
A synonym is a word or phrase that has a similar or identical meaning to another word. To find its definition, you can:
- Utilize online dictionaries or thesauruses like or Cambridge Dictionary. Search for the word "synonym" and read the provided definition, which might also include examples.
- Consult a physical thesaurus. Look for the entry of "synonym" or the word you need a synonym for. It will provide a list of synonyms along with their meanings.

3. Context Clues:
Context clues refer to the information or hints within a surrounding text that help a reader understand the meaning of an unfamiliar word or phrase. To find its definition, you can:
- Search for "context clues" in educational resources or language learning websites. Websites like Reading Rockets or English Grammar 101 often provide detailed explanations and examples of context clues.
- Explore academic books or guides on reading comprehension. Look for sections that discuss context clues, which will provide definitions and techniques to identify them.

Remember, these are just general guidelines. Different sources might provide slightly different definitions or examples, so it's always a good idea to cross-reference information from multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding.