Which direct variation equation can be used to find n?

A y = 3xy = 3x
B y = 12xy = 12x
C y = 4xy = 4x
D y = 2x

n = 2x


Both the question, and the bot's answer, make no sense to me

A y = 3xy = 3x
B y = 12xy = 12x
C y = 4xy = 4x
D y = 2x , are all silly statements

y = 3xy = 2x , what is that supposed to mean?
that would be
y = 3xy and y = 2x, so using substitution we get ...
3xy = 2x
3xy - 2y = 0
y(3x - 2) = 0
y = 0 , x = 2/3, now what? where does the n come in ?

To find the direct variation equation that can be used to find n, we need to determine the equation that represents a direct variation relationship between two variables, y and x. In a direct variation equation, one variable is directly proportional to the other, meaning their values increase or decrease at the same rate.

Looking at the given options:
A. y = 3xy = 3x
B. y = 12xy = 12x
C. y = 4xy = 4x
D. y = 2x

From these options, the correct equation would be:

D. y = 2x

In this equation, y is directly proportional to x with a constant of 2. This means that as x increases or decreases, y will also increase or decrease by twice the amount.

To solve for n, you would substitute the value of y in the equation with n:

n = 2x