Two supplementary angles are ∠ABC=(3x+25)° and ∠CBD=32°. What is an equation to solve for x? The equation should be in simplest terms.

3x + 25 + 32 = 180

3x = 153
x = 51

To find an equation that solves for x in this problem, we need to remember that the angles are supplementary. Supplementary angles add up to 180 degrees.

So, we can write the equation as:

∠ABC + ∠CBD = 180°

Substitute the given values:

(3x + 25) + 32 = 180

Simplify the equation by combining like terms:

3x + 57 = 180

To isolate the variable term, we subtract 57 from both sides of the equation:

3x = 180 - 57

Simplify further:

3x = 123

Finally, to solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 3:

x = 123 / 3

x = 41

Therefore, the equation to solve for x is: 3x + 57 = 180.

Two angles are supplementary when their sum equals 180 degrees. So, we can set up the equation:

∠ABC + ∠CBD = 180°

Substituting the given values:

(3x + 25) + 32 = 180

Simplifying the equation gives:

3x + 57 = 180

To isolate the variable term, subtract 57 from both sides:

3x = 180 - 57

Simplifying further:

3x = 123

Finally, divide both sides by 3 to solve for x:

x = 123/3

Therefore, the equation in simplest terms to solve for x is:

x = 41