Does anybody know how 68,880/30%= 89,544? hen I put in the calcuator, It alway = 229,600

No, that is not correct. The correct answer is 229.6. To calculate this, divide 68,880 by 0.3 (30%). This will give you 229.6.

To determine whether 68,880 divided by 30% equals 89,544 or 229,600, we need to understand how to correctly calculate percentages.

First, remember that a percentage is a fraction of 100. So, to convert a percentage into a decimal, we divide it by 100. In this case, 30% becomes 0.30.

To calculate 30% of a number, you multiply the number by 0.30.

Let's calculate 30% of 68,880:
30% of 68,880 = 0.30 × 68,880 = 20,664

Now, let's subtract 30% of 68,880 from 68,880 to find the remaining amount:
68,880 - 20,664 = 48,216

So, 30% of 68,880 is 20,664, and the remaining amount is 48,216.

Now, let's compare the two results:

89,544 is not equal to 30% of 68,880.
However, 229,600 is indeed equal to 68,880 plus 30% of 68,880.

Therefore, the correct calculation is:
68,880 + (0.30 × 68,880) = 229,600

It seems that there might have been a misunderstanding or mistake in the initial calculation that resulted in the confusion. Double-check the numbers and calculations to ensure accuracy when using a calculator.

To calculate 68,880 divided by 30%, we need to first convert the percentage to a decimal. To do that, we divide the percentage by 100.

30% divided by 100 is equal to 0.3.

Now, we can calculate 68,880 divided by 0.3.

68,880 / 0.3 = 229,600

Therefore, the correct answer is 229,600, not 89,544.