This image shows a crowd in Boston protesting the return of an enslaved person to Virginia. What opinion did members of this crowd most likely share?

a. They supported slavery in Virginia.
b. They believed slavery should be expanded to the west.
c. They opposed slavery in Massachusetts.
d. They believed all people should have equal rights.

d. They believed all people should have equal rights.

To determine the most likely opinion that the members of this crowd shared, we need to analyze the context and the event being depicted in the image. The image shows a crowd in Boston protesting the return of an enslaved person to Virginia. Based on this information, we can analyze each of the answer choices to see which is the most likely opinion held by the members of the crowd.

a. They supported slavery in Virginia: This option is unlikely because they are protesting against the return of an enslaved person, which suggests they are against slavery.

b. They believed slavery should be expanded to the west: This option is also unlikely because the crowd is protesting against the return of an enslaved person, suggesting that they are against the institution of slavery altogether rather than supporting its expansion.

c. They opposed slavery in Massachusetts: This option is more plausible. Since the crowd is protesting the return of an enslaved person, it suggests that they are against the institution of slavery in general. However, the image does not provide direct evidence to support the idea that they are specifically opposing slavery in Massachusetts.

d. They believed all people should have equal rights: This option is the most likely opinion shared by the members of the crowd. The fact that they are protesting the return of an enslaved person suggests that they are advocating for equal rights for all, regardless of their enslavement status.

So, based on the information provided, the most likely opinion that members of this crowd shared is d. They believed all people should have equal rights.

c. They opposed slavery in Massachusetts.