Which of the states the basic economic questions?

The four basic economic questions are: What goods and services should be produced? How should these goods and services be produced? Who should receive the goods and services? How should the economic system be organized?

Which situation is more likely to occur in a command economy than a market economy

Which statement describes how government deals with scarcity

The basic economic questions refer to the fundamental questions that an economic system must address. These questions are:

1. What to produce: This question relates to determining the goods and services that should be produced in an economy. It involves deciding on the allocation of resources to different industries and sectors.

2. How to produce: This question focuses on determining the most efficient methods of production. It involves determining the combination of resources and technologies to be used in order to produce goods and services.

3. For whom to produce: This question addresses the distribution of goods and services among the members of society. It involves deciding who should benefit from the production of goods and services, and how the distribution of income and wealth should be determined.

Now, to determine which of the states address these basic economic questions, we need to look at different economic systems. There are generally four main types of economic systems:

1. Market economy: In a market economy, these basic economic questions are primarily addressed through market forces of supply and demand. Individuals and businesses make decisions based on their self-interest and the interaction of free markets determines what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce.

2. Command economy: In a command economy, these economic questions are centrally planned and determined by the government or a central authority. The government decides what goods and services will be produced, how they will be produced, and who will receive them.

3. Traditional economy: In a traditional economy, these questions are determined by customs, traditions, and cultural norms passed down through generations. Production methods, allocation of resources, and distribution of goods and services are guided by customary practices.

4. Mixed economy: In a mixed economy, elements of both market and command economies are present. The basic economic questions are addressed through a combination of market forces and government intervention. The extent of government involvement can vary widely in different mixed economies.

Therefore, in a market economy, the basic economic questions are primarily determined by market forces. In a command economy, these questions are addressed through centralized government planning. In a traditional economy, these questions are determined by cultural and traditional practices. In a mixed economy, both market forces and government intervention play a role in addressing these questions.