What is covered by the term intellectual property?

A.) copyrighted material, plus intangible things like ideas, music, the written word, or pictures
B.) anything that is owned and can be touched
C.) any item immune from piracy that is also purchased
D.) property that is available for public use

A.) copyrighted material, plus intangible things like ideas, music, the written word, or pictures

The term "intellectual property" refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names, and images. These creations can be protected and owned by individuals or organizations. Now, to find the correct answer among the options provided:

A.) Copyrighted material, plus intangible things like ideas, music, the written word, or pictures: This option correctly covers various aspects of intellectual property, including copyrighted material and intangible creations. It is a potential correct answer.

B.) Anything that is owned and can be touched: This option is incorrect because intellectual property mainly refers to intangible creations, not physical objects that can be touched.

C.) Any item immune from piracy that is also purchased: This option does not accurately cover the definition of intellectual property. Intellectual property can still be pirated, and ownership is not solely based on purchasing.

D.) Property that is available for public use: This option is incorrect as intellectual property is not necessarily available for public use. It is usually protected by legal rights.

Therefore, the correct answer is A.) copyrighted material, plus intangible things like ideas, music, the written word, or pictures.

The term "intellectual property" refers to option A) copyrighted material, plus intangible things like ideas, music, the written word, or pictures. Intellectual property includes intangible creations of the human intellect that are protected under intellectual property laws, including copyright, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets. It encompasses a wide range of creative works and innovations, including books, movies, music, software, inventions, and more.