Ocean waves are a source of energy. In 1–2 sentences, make and justify a claim about whether ocean waves are a renewable or nonrenewable resource.

Ocean waves are a renewable resource because they are generated by the wind, which is an inexhaustible source of energy.

Ocean waves are a renewable resource because they are driven by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun, which will continue to exist for billions of years, replenishing the energy in the waves constantly.

To justify this claim, we can observe that ocean waves are primarily powered by two renewable energy sources: the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun. The gravitational interaction between the Earth, moon, and sun causes the tides, which in turn generate waves. As long as these celestial bodies continue to exist and exert gravitational forces, ocean waves will continue to occur, making them a renewable resource. Additionally, since waves are constantly being generated, we can harvest their energy without depleting the source itself.

Ocean waves are a renewable resource because they are generated by wind and tides, which are recurrent natural phenomena that can continue indefinitely.