"Woman, by heaven you've stung me now!

Who dared to move my bed? No builder had the skill for that unless a god came down to turn the trick. No mortal in his best days could budge it with a crowbar.
There is our pact and pledge, our secret sign, built into that bed- -my handiwork
and no one else's!"

These lines show that

Othe man is angry at her rebuff.
Othe man is really her husband.
O Penelope has been fooled by other suitors.
O Penelope has been warned against the man.

Based on the given lines, it can be inferred that the correct answer is: The man is really her husband.

In these lines, the man is expressing his anger regarding the movement of his bed. He mentions that only a god or someone with extraordinary strength could have moved it. He further emphasizes that the bed is a symbol of their marriage, referring to it as his own handiwork. This suggests that the man is claiming ownership and authority over the bed, indicating that he is Penelope's husband.