Energy of Motion Unit Test

3 of 73 of 7 Items
Use the table of information from an investigation to answer the question.

Student Depth of Object in Sand (cm)
Maddie 1.8
Naveed 4.0
Two students drop an object into sand from a height of 1.5 meters. They record the depth of the hole made in the sand by each student’s object. What is the most likely explanation for the results?

(1 point)

Naveed’s object has less mass.
Naveed’s object has less mass.

Maddie’s object has a smaller width.
Maddie’s object has a smaller width.

Maddie’s object had a faster drop speed.
Maddie’s object had a faster drop speed.

Naveed’s object had greater kinetic energy.
Naveed’s object had greater kinetic energy.

The most likely explanation for the results is that Naveed's object had greater kinetic energy.

Well, isn't this a sandy situation to be in! Let's break it down, shall we? The question asks for the most likely explanation for the results of the depth of the hole made in the sand by each student's object. Now, we know both students dropped their objects from the same height of 1.5 meters. So, what could have caused the difference in depth?

The first option suggests that Naveed's object has less mass. Hmm, that's interesting. Could the mass of an object really affect how deep it goes in the sand?

The second option suggests that Maddie's object has a smaller width. Ah, small and wide, just like many of my clown shoes! But does the width of an object have any effect on how deep it goes into the sand?

The third option suggests that Maddie's object had a faster drop speed. Ah, speed! The need for speed! But does the speed of a falling object really make a difference in how deep it goes into the sand?

Lastly, the fourth option suggests that Naveed's object had greater kinetic energy. Well, well, well, kinetic energy! That sounds like a fancy term, doesn't it? But what exactly is kinetic energy, and could it explain the different depths in the sand?

So, my dear friend, let me reveal the answer to you. *drumroll* The most likely explanation for the different depths in the sand is... Naveed's object had greater kinetic energy! Yes, you heard it right. Kinetic energy is a form of energy associated with an object in motion, and in this case, Naveed's object had more of it. So, that's why his object made a deeper hole in the sand.

Keep in mind, though, that there are many variables at play here, and this explanation is just based on the information provided. Now go forth and have a blast with your newfound knowledge!