Which option describes hyperbole?(1 point)


a comparison of two unlike things without using the words like or as

human characteristics given to non-human things

an exaggeration so extreme that it is not meant to be taken seriously

descriptions that evoke one of the five senses

an exaggeration so extreme that it is not meant to be taken seriously

The correct option that describes hyperbole is: an exaggeration so extreme that it is not meant to be taken seriously.

To determine the correct answer, it is always helpful to understand the definitions of each option and identify which one aligns with the concept being asked. In this case, hyperbole is a figure of speech that involves extreme exaggeration to make a point or create emphasis. The option "an exaggeration so extreme that it is not meant to be taken seriously" directly matches this definition.

Let's go through the other options to see why they are not the correct answer:

- "A comparison of two unlike things without using the words like or as" refers to a different figure of speech called a metaphor. In a metaphor, two unlike things are compared directly without the use of transitional words.

- "Human characteristics given to non-human things" refers to personification. Personification is a figure of speech where human attributes or qualities are given to animals, objects, or abstract concepts.

- "Descriptions that evoke one of the five senses" refers to sensory language or imagery. Sensory language is used to create vivid descriptions by appealing to the reader's senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, or smell.

By understanding the definitions and analyzing the options, we can identify the correct answer.

The option that describes hyperbole is: an exaggeration so extreme that it is not meant to be taken seriously.

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