Find the area of the trapezoid 14 mm 15 mm 36 mm

Area = (14 + 15) x 36 / 2

Area = 630 mm^2

To find the area of a trapezoid, you need to know the lengths of both bases and the height. In this case, you have the lengths of the bases, but you haven't provided the height of the trapezoid. Without the height, it is not possible to calculate the area accurately.

If you have the height of the trapezoid, you can use the formula:

Area = (sum of the bases) * (height) / 2

For example, if the height of the trapezoid is 10 mm, the area would be:

Area = (14 mm + 36 mm) * (10 mm) / 2
= 50 mm * 10 mm / 2
= 500 mm²

Please provide the height of the trapezoid to calculate the area accurately.

To find the area of a trapezoid, we can use the formula:

Area = (1/2) * (sum of the bases) * (height)

In this case, let's label the bases of the trapezoid:

Base1 = 14 mm
Base2 = 36 mm

Now, we need to find the height of the trapezoid. Unfortunately, you have only provided three sides of the trapezoid. To calculate the height, we will need either the length of the perpendicular distance between the bases or the length of one of the diagonals connecting the bases.

Please provide the missing information so that I can complete the calculation.