We are looking to factor 23x^2 + kx - 5 + x^2 - 3. Some values of k allow us to factor it as a product of linear binomials with integer coefficients. what are all such values of k?

The values of k that allow us to factor the equation as a product of linear binomials with integer coefficients are -8, -4, 0, 4, and 8.

what's the point of writing 23x^2 + kx - 5 + x^2 - 3?

Why not just say 24x^2 + kx - 8?

To factor the expression 23x^2 + kx - 5 + x^2 - 3, we can combine like terms:

(23x^2 + x^2) + kx + (-5 - 3)
= 24x^2 + kx - 8

Now, we want to find the values of k that allow us to factor this expression as a product of linear binomials with integer coefficients.

For this expression to factor, we need to find two integers, let's call them a and b, such that:
1. The product of a and b is equal to 24.
2. The sum of a and b is equal to k.

So, we are looking for the factors of 24 that can be paired together to get a sum equal to k.

The factors of 24 are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24.

To find the pairs of factors that add up to k, we can check each pair:
1 + 24 = 25
2 + 12 = 14
3 + 8 = 11
4 + 6 = 10

From these pairs, we can see that there are no combinations of factors that add up to k for any integer value.

Therefore, there are no values of k that allow us to factor the given expression as a product of linear binomials with integer coefficients.

To factor the expression 23x^2 + kx - 5 + x^2 - 3, we can rearrange it and combine like terms:

(23x^2 + x^2) + (kx - 5 - 3)
= 24x^2 + kx - 8

Now, let's try to factor it as a product of linear binomials. The general form of factoring a quadratic expression is:

ax^2 + bx + c = (mx + p)(nx + q)

In our case, a = 24, b = k, and c = -8. We need both m and n to be integers in order to find integer coefficients for the linear binomials. Also, p and q should multiply to give us -8.

To factor the expression as a product of linear binomials with integer coefficients, we need to find suitable values of k.

First, look at the coefficient of x^2, which is 24. It can be factored into 6 and 4, or 3 and 8. Let's consider both cases:

Case 1: 6 and 4
For the product (mx + p)(nx + q) to give us 24x^2, one of m or n should be a multiple of 6, and the other should be a multiple of 4. Also, one of the pairs (p, q) should be (1, 24) or (-1, -24), and the other pair should be (4, 6) or (-4, -6). Let's try all possibilities:

m = 6, n = 4, p = 1, q = 24:
(6x + 1)(4x + 24) = 24x^2 + 144x + 4x + 24 = 24x^2 + 148x + 24

m = 4, n = 6, p = 1, q = 24:
(4x + 1)(6x + 24) = 24x^2 + 96x + 4x + 24 = 24x^2 + 100x + 24

m = 6, n = 4, p = -1, q = -24:
(6x - 1)(4x - 24) = 24x^2 - 144x - 4x + 24 = 24x^2 - 148x + 24

m = 4, n = 6, p = -1, q = -24:
(4x - 1)(6x - 24) = 24x^2 - 96x - 4x + 24 = 24x^2 - 100x + 24

Case 2: 3 and 8
Following the same logic as in Case 1, we'll consider possibilities for m, n, p, and q:

m = 3, n = 8, p = 1, q = 8:
(3x + 1)(8x + 8) = 24x^2 + 24x + 8x + 8 = 24x^2 + 32x + 8

m = 8, n = 3, p = 1, q = 8:
(8x + 1)(3x + 8) = 24x^2 + 64x + 3x + 8 = 24x^2 + 67x + 8

m = 3, n = 8, p = -1, q = -8:
(3x - 1)(8x - 8) = 24x^2 - 24x - 8x + 8 = 24x^2 - 32x + 8

m = 8, n = 3, p = -1, q = -8:
(8x - 1)(3x - 8) = 24x^2 - 64x - 3x + 8 = 24x^2 - 67x + 8

Thus, the possible values of k that allow us to factor the expression as a product of linear binomials with integer coefficients are:
148, 100, -148, -100, 32, 67, -32, -67.

Please note that these values were obtained by considering all possible combinations of the factors of 24.