Which of the following is the figurative meaning of the phrase “Abby felt like a turtle among rabbits during the race”?(1 point)


She felt slow compared to others.
She felt slow compared to others.

She felt like an all-star.
She felt like an all-star.

She felt rough instead of soft.
She felt rough instead of soft.

She felt faster than everyone else.

yo do people do this in 9th grade i just need to be prepared.

yea do they??

The figurative meaning of the phrase "Abby felt like a turtle among rabbits during the race" is that she felt slow compared to others. Abby is being compared to a turtle, which is a slow animal, while the others in the race are compared to rabbits, known for their speed. This comparison suggests that Abby felt outpaced or slower compared to the others during the race.

To determine the answer, it is important to understand the figurative language used in the phrase. In this case, the phrase is using similes to make a comparison between Abby and turtles/rabbits. By understanding the characteristics of turtles and rabbits, we can infer that Abby feels slow compared to others.

She felt faster than everyone else.