Unit 2 Lesson 4

The table shows information about four waves. Which wave has the lowest frequency? (1 point)

To determine which wave has the lowest frequency, we need to examine the information provided in the table. Could you please provide the table with the details of the four waves?

In order to determine which wave has the lowest frequency, we need to look at the information from the table. However, since you haven't provided the specific table or its content, I am unable to directly answer your question.

To find the wave with the lowest frequency, you need to identify the column or row in the table that provides frequency information for each wave. The frequency is typically measured in hertz (Hz) and represents the number of complete cycles of the wave per unit of time. Look for the frequency values for each wave in the table.

Once you have found the frequency values, compare them to determine which one is the lowest. The wave with the lowest frequency will have the smallest value in the frequency column or row. That wave will then be the answer to your question.

If you can provide the table or its content, I will be able to assist you further in identifying the wave with the lowest frequency.

Wave C