Why did the United States lead an invasion of Afghanistan in October of 2001?

The Taliban government invaded and annexed oil-rich regions of neighboring countries.

The Taliban government provided protection for members of the al-Qaeda terrorist group.

The Taliban government refused to allow international inspectors into its weapons facilities.

The Taliban government used chemical weapons against civilians protesting for democracy.

B. The Taliban government provided protection for members of the al-Qaeda terrorist group.

To determine the answer, we need to analyze the options provided and understand the context of the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001.

Option A states that the Taliban government invaded and annexed oil-rich regions of neighboring countries. However, there is no documented evidence of the Taliban government invading or annexing oil-rich regions at that time.

Option C suggests that the Taliban government refused to allow international inspectors into its weapons facilities. While weapons inspections have been an issue in the past, it does not directly align with the reason for the invasion in October 2001.

Similarly, Option D states that the Taliban government used chemical weapons against civilians protesting for democracy. However, there is no evidence to support this claim in relation to the invasion in October 2001.

Option B states that the Taliban government provided protection for members of the al-Qaeda terrorist group. This option aligns with the main reason why the United States led the invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001. It is widely known that al-Qaeda, the terrorist group responsible for the September 11 attacks on the United States, had established a presence in Afghanistan and was protected by the Taliban government. Removing this sanctuary for terrorists was a primary objective of the invasion.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. The United States led an invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 because the Taliban government provided protection for members of the al-Qaeda terrorist group.


The Taliban government provided protection for members of the al-Qaeda terrorist group.