How did ancient Sparta differ from Athens?

A The people of Sparta spoke Greek.The people of Sparta spoke Greek.
B The people of Sparta practiced a different religion.The people of Sparta practiced a different religion.
C The government in Sparta was an oligarchy.The government in Sparta was an oligarchy.
D Women in Sparta were considered citizen

The correct answer is D) Women in Sparta were considered citizens.

To find the answer to this question, you can start by researching the key differences between ancient Sparta and Athens. You can find information by reading books, searching on reputable websites, or consulting academic sources on ancient Greece. Here are some general points that will help you understand the differences.

1. Language: Both Sparta and Athens spoke Greek, so option A is not the correct answer.
2. Religion: While it is true that the people of Sparta practiced a different religion from Athens, this alone does not explain the main difference between the two cities, so option B is not the correct answer.
3. Government: Sparta and Athens had different forms of government. Sparta was governed by an oligarchy, where power was held by a few ruling families, while Athens had a more democratic system, where power was shared among its citizens. This makes option C partially correct, but it does not fully capture the main difference.
4. Women's Rights: The most significant difference between Sparta and Athens was the status of women. In Athens, women had limited rights and were mostly confined to domestic roles, while in Sparta, women enjoyed more freedom and were considered citizens. They received an education, participated in sports, and had more influence in public life.

In conclusion, option D is the correct answer as it correctly describes one of the most notable differences between ancient Sparta and Athens.

-soldiers.Women in Sparta were considered citizen-soldiers.

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does anyone know if this is right
