Which of these is the best definition of freedom of expression?

• expression that doesn’t cost anything to have or share
• uncensored speech, art, or other means of communication
• wild, uncontrolled expression of ideas
• information and ideas that are changeable and irregular

Uncensored speech, art, or other means of communication.

The best definition of "freedom of expression" among the choices given is: uncensored speech, art, or other means of communication.

To arrive at this answer, let's examine each option and understand why the other choices are not as accurate:

1. "Expression that doesn't cost anything to have or share": This definition is not a suitable description of freedom of expression because the cost or price of something does not determine whether it is protected as free expression. Freedom of expression is not contingent upon financial factors, but rather focuses on the absence of censorship and the right to express oneself without undue restrictions.

2. "Wild, uncontrolled expression of ideas": While freedom of expression allows for a wide range of ideas and opinions, the term "wild" implies an extreme lack of control. However, freedom of expression still carries certain limitations, such as restrictions on hate speech, incitement to violence, or defamation.

3. "Information and ideas that are changeable and irregular": This definition is too vague and does not adequately capture the essence of freedom of expression. Freedom of expression refers more to the right to express oneself without interference or censorship, rather than being tied to the nature of the information or ideas expressed.

Therefore, the most accurate definition of freedom of expression is the second option: uncensored speech, art, or other means of communication. This definition highlights the absence of censorship and the unrestricted ability to express one's ideas and opinions without undue interference.

The best definition of freedom of expression is: uncensored speech, art, or other means of communication.