Which of the following is the best definition of an analogy?(1 point)

1) identifying differences in words

2) organizing words by classification

3) comparing synonyms and antonyms

4) showing a similarity between unlike things ***

1. showing a similarity between two unlike things

2. they help readers analyze the relationship between words
3. foal:horse
4. first space is: divide second is: unite
5. it divides the analogy into two pairs

1. showing a similarity unlike things

2. they help readers analyze the relationship between words.
3. foal: horse
4. the 1 one is divide the 2 one is unite
5. it divides the analogy into two pairs
100% correct your welcome

To determine the best definition of an analogy, let's break down the answer choices:

1) Identifying differences in words: This definition does not accurately explain what an analogy is. An analogy is more about identifying similarities between different things, rather than differences.

2) Organizing words by classification: This definition is not quite correct. While organizing words by classification is a useful skill, it is not the core meaning of an analogy.

3) Comparing synonyms and antonyms: This definition is not precise. While synonyms and antonyms may be used in analogies, it is not the sole purpose of analogies.

4) Showing a similarity between unlike things: This is the most accurate definition of an analogy. An analogy is a comparison between two things, usually with the purpose of illustrating a similarity between them, even though they may appear to be quite different at first glance. This definition captures the essence of what an analogy is and how it functions.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 4) showing a similarity between unlike things.

i need help with the whole quick check

hurry hurry hurrrrrrry plz plzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

@Hi is 100% correct for connexus!

Thanks peps!
