1.) Which solid has two bases that are triangles and three lateral surfaces that are rectangles?

Triangular prism
Rectangular prism
Triangular prism
Rectangular pyramid
2.) A solid with two parell and congruent bases cannot be which of the following
Cone prism cylinder cube
3.) Which of the following are considered skew lines
4.)What is the base plan for the set of stacked cubes?
5.) Which of the following is the front view for the model?
3 cubes up one facing right
3 going right with two facing up on the middle one
3 cubes up 2 right and one on the first cube going right
2 facing right 1 up on the second to the left turn two facing to the right on top of that
6.) Which solid does this net form?
It's a hexagon ( I think? Ths one with six sides) and 6 triangles on each point
Hexagonal prism
Hexagonal pyramid
Rectangular prism
Rectangular pyramid
7.) Which solid does the net form?
4 cubes facing up with two on each side of the second facing up one
Square pyramid
Triangular prism
Triangular pyramid
8.) What is the surface area of the given figure?
Not sure s how to describe the figure kind of like a slanted downward square, that slowly goes downward, like a weird shaped ramp or a piece of cake
Numbers are 10cm 26cm 34 cm and 24cm
2792 cm
4080 cm
9.) Use the net to find the approximate surface area of the cylinder to the nearest square meter
Cylinder thing with 5m and 9m on the left side square with two circles on top and bottom with 5cm on each circle and 9m on the square on the right side
10.) What is the volume of the prism to the nearest whole unit? 3in 9in 11in
23 in
297 in
11.) What is the volume of the triangular prism to the nearest whole unit?
4ft 14ft 21ft weird triangle
392 ft
12.) What is the volume of the cone to the nearest whole unit?
13 in 8in is a cone
871 in
1307 in
1415 in
2614 in
13.) What is the volume of the pyramid to the nearest whole unit?
6yd 6yd 11yd triangle
132 yd
14.) What is the slant height for the given pyramid to the nearest whole unit?
Pyramid base= 6in
Height= 4cm
15.) What is the length of the diagonal for the given rectangular prism to the nearest whole unit?
Length= 8cm
Width= 3cm
16.) The cones below are similar, although not drawn to scale
The smaller triangle says 18ft r=6ft the larger says 27ft X
What is the length of the larger cone
17.) A cone has a radius of 40cm and a volume of 1875 cm what is the volume of a similar cone with a radius of 16cm
18.) What is the surface area of a sphere with the radius ov 4 meters rounded to the nearest square meter?
19.) What is the volume of a sphere with a radius of 6 meters rounded to the nearest square meter?

1.) The solid that has two bases that are triangles and three lateral surfaces that are rectangles is a triangular prism. To visualize this, imagine a prism with triangular bases and rectangular sides.

2.) A solid with two parallel and congruent bases cannot be a cone. The other options, prism, cylinder, and cube, can have two parallel and congruent bases.

3.) Skew lines are lines that do not lie in the same plane and are not parallel or intersecting. From the given options, the pair BC and DE are considered skew lines.

4.) To determine the base plan for the set of stacked cubes, you need to visually represent the cubes and observe the pattern in their arrangement. Based on the given options, the base plan is 11231. This means that there is one cube in the first row, followed by one cube in the second row, two cubes in the third row, three cubes in the fourth row, and one cube in the fifth row.

5.) To identify the front view of the model, you need to imagine the model and visualize how it would appear when viewed from the front. From the given options, the front view is described as "3 cubes up, 2 right, and one on the first cube going right."

6.) Based on the provided description of the net, it forms a hexagonal prism. A hexagonal prism consists of a hexagon as its base shape and six triangles connecting the corresponding sides of the hexagon to form the lateral faces.

7.) The net described in the question forms a cube. It consists of four cubes facing up, with two on each side of the second cube facing up.

8.) To determine the surface area of the given figure, it would be helpful to have a visual representation or a more detailed description. However, from the limited information provided, it is not possible to accurately calculate the surface area.

9.) To find the approximate surface area of the cylinder using the given net, you need to calculate the area of each individual face and add them together. However, without more specific measurements or a visual representation, it is not possible to calculate the surface area accurately.

10.) The volume of a prism is calculated by multiplying the area of the base by the height. In this case, the volume can be calculated by multiplying 3in x 9in x 11in, which equals 297 cubic inches.

11.) The volume of a triangular prism is calculated by multiplying the base area by the height. Without the specific height measurement or a visual representation, it is not possible to accurately calculate the volume of the triangular prism.

12.) The volume of a cone is calculated using the formula V = (1/3)πr^2h, where r is the radius and h is the height of the cone. Without the height measurement or a visual representation, it is not possible to accurately calculate the volume of the cone.

13.) The volume of a pyramid is calculated using the formula V = (1/3)Bh, where B is the base area and h is the height of the pyramid. Without the specific height measurement or a visual representation, it is not possible to accurately calculate the volume of the pyramid.

14.) The slant height of a pyramid can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem. Without the specific measurements or a visual representation, it is not possible to accurately calculate the slant height.

15.) To find the length of the diagonal of a rectangular prism, you can use the Pythagorean theorem. Without the specific measurements or a visual representation, it is not possible to accurately calculate the length of the diagonal.

16.) Without a visual representation or specific measurements, it is not possible to determine the length of the larger cone accurately.

17.) The volume of a cone is directly proportional to the cube of its radius. Using this proportional relationship, you can calculate the volume of the larger cone. Without the specific measurements or a visual representation, it is not possible to accurately calculate the volume of the larger cone.

18.) The surface area of a sphere can be calculated using the formula A = 4πr^2, where r is the radius of the sphere. Plugging in the given radius of 4 meters, the surface area is calculated as 4π(4^2) = 4π(16) = 64π square meters. Rounding this value to the nearest square meter gives 201 square meters.

19.) The volume of a sphere is calculated using the formula V = (4/3)πr^3, where r is the radius of the sphere. Plugging in the given radius of 6 meters, the volume is calculated as (4/3)π(6^3) = (4/3)π(216) = 288π cubic meters. Rounding this value to the nearest whole unit gives approximately 905 cubic meters.