What are the factors of 2b(3−c)?

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

(2b) and (3-c)
I guess you could also say 2 and b are factors

2 * b * (3 - c)

so 2 , b , (3-c)
"answered" is driving me crazy !

no, "answered" is what happened.

The leading null is the new Anonymous.


To determine the factors of the expression 2b(3−c), we need to identify the terms that can be factored out. In this case, we can see that 2b is a common factor in the expression.

The factors of 2b(3−c) can be found by factoring out the common factor 2b:

2b(3−c) = 2b * (3−c)

Now, we can break it down further:

2b * 3 = 6b
2b * (-c) = -2bc

So, the factors of 2b(3−c) are 6b and -2bc.

The factors of 2b(3−c) are 2b, 3, -c, -2b, -3, and c.