Wayne used this diagram to compute the distance from Ferris to Dunlap to butte, How far is the distance directly from Ferris

to butte

The distance from Ferris to Butte is the hypotenuse of the triangle, which can be calculated using the Pythagorean Theorem. The distance is equal to the square root of (Ferris to Dunlap)^2 + (Dunlap to Butte)^2.

Without the provided diagram, it is difficult to determine the exact distance between Ferris and Butte. However, if Wayne used the diagram to compute the distance, it is likely that Wayne followed a specific route or method to calculate the distance.

To answer your question about the distance directly from Ferris to Butte, you would need to refer to the diagram or any other information that provides the relevant distances.

To determine the distance directly from Ferris to Butte using the diagram, we need to locate the positions of Ferris and Butte on the diagram.

1. Find Ferris on the diagram: Look for the labeled position or marker representing Ferris. It might be denoted by a dot or a symbol. Once located, note down its position.

2. Find Butte on the diagram: Look for the labeled position or marker representing Butte. It should also be denoted by a dot or a symbol. Once located, note down its position.

3. Measure the distance: Using a ruler or a straight edge, measure the distance between the positions of Ferris and Butte on the diagram. Make sure to follow a straight line between the two points for accurate measurement.

4. Convert the measurement: If the diagram has a scale stated, such as 1 inch = 10 miles, you can use this to convert the measured distance on the diagram to the actual distance. Multiply the measured distance by the appropriate scale factor to get the real distance.

By following these steps, you can determine the distance directly from Ferris to Butte using the diagram provided by Wayne.