Which of the following defines repetition in a poem?

• words that start with the same letter
• words that are spelled alike
• words or phrases used more than once
• words or phrases that are used for stresses

1. words or phrases used more than once

2. the repetition of the same sound at the end of words
3. repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of words
4. the lazy lizard slithered slowly through the grass
5. through repetition

these should all be %100 correct, good luck!

Words or phrases used more than once.

The correct answer is: words or phrases used more than once.

The correct answer is: words or phrases used more than once.

To determine the answer, it's important to understand what repetition in a poem means. Repetition refers to the deliberate use of words or phrases throughout a poem to create a specific effect. It helps emphasize certain ideas, strengthen imagery, create rhythm, or evoke emotions.

To find the answer among the options provided, you need to consider which one accurately describes repetition in a poem. The first option, "words that start with the same letter," does not define repetition, as starting letters of words do not necessarily suggest repetition. The second option, "words that are spelled alike," also does not define repetition because words with similar spelling do not always imply repetition of meaning.

The third option, "words or phrases used more than once," is the correct answer. This choice accurately represents repetition in a poem, as it highlights the intentional reuse of specific words or phrases to enhance the overall impact of the poem.

The fourth option, "words or phrases that are used for stresses," does not accurately define repetition. While repetition can serve to emphasize certain words or phrases, it is not solely related to creating stresses within a poem.

Therefore, the correct answer is "words or phrases used more than once," as it precisely characterizes the concept of repetition in a poem.