What did John Brown plan to do with the guns he seized at Harper Ferry

John Brown planned to use the guns he seized at Harper Ferry to arm slaves in an effort to start a rebellion against slavery. He hoped that the rebellion would spread throughout the South and eventually lead to the abolition of slavery.

John Brown planned to use the guns he seized at Harper's Ferry in Virginia for an armed slave uprising. He believed that by inciting a revolt, he could inspire enslaved individuals to rise against their oppressors and eventually abolish slavery in the United States. Brown's ultimate goal was to establish a self-governing community of freed slaves in the mountains of Maryland and Virginia.

To understand John Brown's intentions, you can explore historical sources such as primary documents, letters, and accounts from that time. Primary sources from Brown himself, like his "Provisional Constitution and Ordinances for the People of the United States," provide insights into his plans and motivations. Additionally, you can read secondary sources such as biographies and historical analyses written by historians who have studied this period in American history.

By examining these sources, you can gain a better understanding of John Brown's revolutionary goals and his use of the guns seized at Harper's Ferry.

John Brown planned to use the guns he seized at Harper's Ferry for a larger goal: to incite a slave rebellion in the southern United States. He believed that by arming enslaved individuals, they would rise up against their owners and lead to the abolition of slavery. Brown and his followers intended to establish a liberated territory in the Appalachian Mountains, which would serve as a safe haven for escaped slaves.