Pulleys and Inclined Planes Quick Check

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Use the image to answer the question.

An illustration shows a man rolling a drum upwards on an inclined surface.

What is the effect of using this inclined plane?

(1 point)

The object can be lifted while using a downward force.
The object can be lifted while using a downward force.

The object can be lifted with less total work.
The object can be lifted with less total work.

The object can be lifted while being pushed over a shorter distance.
The object can be lifted while being pushed over a shorter distance.

The object can be lifted with less force.

1=It changes the direction of the force needed to lift the object.

2=A screw can be inserted with less force than a nail.
3=The force decreases, while the distance increases.
4=The object can be lifted with less force.

if I'm wrong u got a diff quiz

The object can be lifted with less force.

@please help me is right 4/4

please help me is right

I'm sorry, I need more information to understand what you need help with. Could you please give me more details?

To answer this question, one must understand the concept of inclined planes. An inclined plane is a flat, sloping surface that allows an object to be lifted or lowered with less force over a greater distance. It provides a mechanical advantage, making it easier to move objects.

Looking at the given image, we see a man rolling a drum upwards on an inclined surface. Based on this illustration, we can conclude that the correct answer is:

The object can be lifted with less force.

Using an inclined plane reduces the amount of force needed to lift the object compared to lifting it directly against gravity. The inclined surface allows the force to be spread over a longer distance, resulting in the reduction of force required.