Which processes do plants and animals share in common?

absorption of water
cellular respiration

My apologies. In that case, the answer would be (c) cellular respiration.

there is no E

The processes that both plants and animals share in common are:

a) Photosynthesis: This process is unique to plants, as they have chlorophyll in their cells that allows them to convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into glucose (sugar) and oxygen. Animals, on the other hand, obtain energy by consuming plants or other animals.

b) Absorption of water: Both plants and animals need water for survival. Plants absorb water through their root systems, while animals obtain water by drinking it or through the foods they consume.

c) Cellular respiration: This is a universal process in which both plants and animals convert glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxide, water, and energy (in the form of ATP) through a series of biochemical reactions. This process occurs in the mitochondria of animal cells and in the cytoplasm and mitochondria of plant cells.

d) Transpiration: This process is specific to plants. Transpiration is the loss of water vapor from the aerial parts of a plant, such as leaves, stems, and flowers. It occurs primarily through small openings called stomata on the surface of leaves. This process helps transport water and nutrients from the roots to other parts of the plant. Animals do not have a direct equivalent to transpiration.


all of the above

Answer: e all of the above