Which statement is correct about a bottleneck event? (1 point)

A bottleneck event is a period of time in which a population's size is drastically reduced.

To determine which statement is correct about a bottleneck event, we can break down the term "bottleneck" and analyze its characteristics.

A bottleneck event refers to a situation or process in which there is a restriction or constraint that slows down the overall flow or performance of a system. This can occur in various domains, such as manufacturing, transportation, technology, or business operations.

Now, let's examine the given statements to identify the correct one:

Statement 1: A bottleneck event occurs when there is excess capacity in the system.
Statement 2: A bottleneck event happens when there is a shortage of resources or a stage that cannot keep up with the demand.

To determine the correct statement, we need to understand the concept of bottleneck events. In a bottleneck event, the capacity of a particular stage or resource becomes a constraint for the entire system. This means that a bottleneck occurs when there is a shortage of resources or a particular stage cannot keep up with the demand.

Based on this understanding, we can conclude that Statement 2 is correct: "A bottleneck event happens when there is a shortage of resources or a stage that cannot keep up with the demand."

Therefore, Statement 2 is the correct answer regarding a bottleneck event.

The given information is not sufficient to determine which statement about a bottleneck event is correct. Without additional context or options to choose from, it is impossible to provide a precise answer. Please provide more details or options to help narrow down the correct statement.