What are some effects that may occur as nonrenewable resources are depleted?

Select all that apply.


A) Environmental damages are more likely to occur due to continued harvesting.

B) People are more likely to actively avoid the use of renewable resources.

C) Political and civil battles are more likely to occur over rights to resources.

D) Prices are more likely to increase for energy sources.

E) Fossil fuels are more likely to be invested in, leading to more efficient extraction.

To determine which effects may occur as nonrenewable resources are depleted, let's analyze each response option:

A) Environmental damages are more likely to occur due to continued harvesting.
This option suggests that as nonrenewable resources are depleted, the continued harvesting of these resources is likely to cause environmental damage. This is a logical effect as extracting nonrenewable resources often involves destructive practices, such as mining or drilling.

C) Political and civil battles are more likely to occur over rights to resources.
As nonrenewable resources become scarcer, the competition for control and access to these resources may intensify. This can result in conflicts and disputes, both politically and civilly, as various parties seek to secure their share of the limited resources.

D) Prices are more likely to increase for energy sources.
As nonrenewable resources become depleted, their scarcity increases. With limited supply and ongoing demand, it is likely that the prices for these energy sources will rise. This effect is driven by the basic economic principle of supply and demand.

Therefore, the correct options are:
A) Environmental damages are more likely to occur due to continued harvesting.
C) Political and civil battles are more likely to occur over rights to resources.
D) Prices are more likely to increase for energy sources.

Options B and E are not supported by the explanation above and can be disregarded as incorrect answers:
B) People are more likely to actively avoid the use of renewable resources.
E) Fossil fuels are more likely to be invested in, leading to more efficient extraction.