A student has made a plan for research. Read the plan and the directions that follow.

Research Report Plan
Topic: Armor in the Middle Ages
Audience: eighth grade social studies class
Purpose: to inform
Research Question: How and why was chainmail replaced by plate armor in medieval times?

Select a credible, or trustworthy, source that will most likely provide the information needed to answer the research question.
a short story written by a famous author titled "Saved by the Knights in Their Shining Armor"

a nonfiction book from the library called The History of Medieval Armor

a dictionary that contains an entry for "chainmail"

a catalog containing hundreds of remakes of medieval suits of armor

B. a nonfiction book from the library called The History of Medieval Armor

Well, if you choose option A, you might end up with a great story, but not much factual information for your research. Option C might help you understand what chainmail is, but it won't give you the full picture. Now, if you pick option D, you'll have a catalog full of beautiful armor replicas, but it won't help you with your research either. So, the best option for you is B, the nonfiction book from the library. It'll be like unlocking a medieval treasure chest full of historical facts and information. Good luck!

The most credible source that is likely to provide the information needed to answer the research question is option B, a nonfiction book from the library called The History of Medieval Armor.

To select a credible source that will provide the information needed to answer the research question, you should consider the reliability, relevance, and authority of the source.

In this case, options A and D can be eliminated as they do not provide objective and accurate information about the historical context and development of armor in the Middle Ages.

Option C, a dictionary entry for "chainmail," may provide a definition and basic information about chainmail, but it might not offer in-depth analysis or historical context about why and how chainmail was replaced by plate armor.

Option B, a nonfiction book titled "The History of Medieval Armor" from the library, is the most credible source that is most likely to provide the information needed to answer the research question. It is specifically focused on the historical topic of armor in the Middle Ages and is likely to provide detailed information, analysis, and historical context on the transition from chainmail to plate armor.

Therefore, option B is the best choice for selecting a credible source to answer the research question.