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Use the circle graph shown below to answer the question.

A pie chart labeled Favorite Sports to Watch is divided into three portions. Football represents 42 percent, baseball represents 33 percent, and soccer represents 25 percent.

If 210 people said football was their favorite sport to watch, how many peple would you

To find out how many people would say that baseball is their favorite sport to watch, we need to use the given information about the percentages.

Step 1: Start by determining the total number of people represented by 100% of the pie chart.
Since the pie chart represents the favorite sports to watch, the total number of people would be the total number of participants or respondents. To find this, we divide the known number of people who favor football by its percentage (42%).

Total number of people = (Number of people who favor football) / (Percentage of football)
Total number of people = 210 / 0.42
Total number of people = 500

Step 2: Calculate the number of people who favor baseball.
We know that baseball represents 33% of the total number of people.

Number of people who favor baseball = (Percentage of baseball) * (Total number of people)
Number of people who favor baseball = 0.33 * 500
Number of people who favor baseball = 165

Therefore, if 210 people said football was their favorite sport to watch, about 165 people would say baseball is their favorite sport to watch.