Solve 5x9<8. Write the improper fraction in your answer as a mixed number. Make sure to write your inequality so that x comes first.(1 point)

5x < 72. 5x/5 < 72/5. x < 14 2/5

Your Smart John..

whats the answer

To solve the inequality 5x9<8, we need to isolate x. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Divide both sides of the inequality by 5 to get x alone.
9x < 8/5

Step 2: Now, let's convert the improper fraction 8/5 into a mixed number.
Divide the numerator (8) by the denominator (5):
8 ÷ 5 = 1 remainder 3

So, the improper fraction 8/5 can be written as the mixed number 1 3/5.

Putting it all together, the inequality 5x9<8 can be written as:
9x < 1 3/5