Which statement best expresses the theme of the novel in out of my mind?(1 point)


You can be happy if you really try.
You can be happy if you really try.

Winning requires a good attitude.
Winning requires a good attitude.

Don’t let your disability interfere with your abilities.
Don’t let your disability interfere with your abilities.

Face every day with a sense of humor.

Face every day with a sense of humor.

The answer to this is "Don't let your disability interfere with your abilities."

Have a good day, Johanna!

The statement that best expresses the theme of the novel "Out of My Mind" is: Don't let your disability interfere with your abilities.

The best statement that expresses the theme of the novel "Out of My Mind" is: "Don’t let your disability interfere with your abilities."

To determine the theme of a novel, it is important to consider the overall message or lesson that the author is trying to convey. In "Out of My Mind," the main character, Melody, has a disability that affects her ability to speak and move. Despite this, she demonstrates immense intelligence and determination throughout the story. The theme of the novel revolves around the idea that one should not let their disability define them or limit their potential. Melody's journey emphasizes the importance of recognizing and nurturing one's abilities, regardless of any physical or mental limitations they may face.