Michael used a stopwatch to time the baseball pitches for three of his friends. The times are listed in the table.

The table shows pitching times in seconds. Pete pitched in 0.537 seconds, Ivan pitched in 0.58 seconds, and KaShawn pitched in 0.4996 seconds.

Which list shows the friends in order from the shortest time to the longest time?
KaShawn, Ivan, Pete
KaShawn, Pete, Ivan
Pete, Ivan, KaShawn
Ivan, Pete, KaShawn

B. KaShawn, Pete, Ivan

so your here

The correct answer is option B: KaShawn, Pete, Ivan.

To determine the order of the friends from the shortest time to the longest time, we need to compare their pitching times.

Given the times:
- Pete pitched in 0.537 seconds
- Ivan pitched in 0.58 seconds
- KaShawn pitched in 0.4996 seconds

Comparing these times:
- KaShawn's time is 0.4996 seconds, which is the shortest.
- Pete's time is 0.537 seconds, which is in-between KaShawn and Ivan.
- Ivan's time is 0.58 seconds, which is the longest.

Therefore, the correct order from the shortest time to the longest time is:
A. KaShawn, Ivan, Pete