Discuss the internal and external challenges of emperor Tewodos 2 and Emperor Yohannes 3 respectivily?

To discuss the internal and external challenges faced by Emperor Tewodros II and Emperor Yohannes III of Ethiopia, we need to first understand the historical context of their reigns.

Emperor Tewodros II, also known as Theodore II, ruled Ethiopia from 1855 to 1868. He is known for his efforts to modernize Ethiopia and resist European imperial powers. Here are some of the internal and external challenges he faced:

Internal Challenges faced by Emperor Tewodros II:
1. Consolidation of Power: Tewodros faced resistance from local nobles and regional leaders who questioned his legitimacy as emperor. He had to consolidate his power and establish central authority over a fragmented empire.
2. Social Unrest: Tewodros faced challenges from various societal groups, including factions within the nobility, religious institutions, and peasants who were negatively affected by his policies.
3. Economic Difficulties: His attempts at modernization, such as implementing taxation and land reforms, faced resistance from traditional power structures. This led to economic difficulties and discontent among the population.
4. Ethnic and Religious Tensions: Ethiopia is a diverse country with various ethnic and religious communities. Tewodros faced challenges in managing these tensions and maintaining unity.

External Challenges faced by Emperor Tewodros II:
1. European Imperialism: Tewodros resisted European imperialism and aimed to maintain Ethiopia's independence. However, he faced pressure from Britain, who sought to exploit Ethiopian resources and establish influence in the region.
2. British Expedition: In response to Tewodros' imprisonment of British diplomats and missionaries, a British expeditionary force was sent to Ethiopia in 1868. This resulted in the Battle of Maqdala, where Tewodros was defeated and the country faced occupation by foreign forces.

Emperor Yohannes III, also known as Johannes IV, ruled Ethiopia from 1872 to 1889. He is remembered for his efforts to defend the country against external threats. Here are some of the internal and external challenges he faced:

Internal Challenges faced by Emperor Yohannes III:
1. Rival Claimants to the Throne: Yohannes faced challenges from rival claimants to the Ethiopian throne, leading to internal power struggles and unstable conditions.
2. Rebellion and Resistance: Yohannes faced uprisings and rebellions from regional leaders and groups who opposed his centralizing policies and sought more autonomy.

External Challenges faced by Emperor Yohannes III:
1. Egyptian and Ottoman Threats: Yohannes had to deal with military threats from Egypt and the Ottoman Empire, which sought to expand their influence in the region. He successfully repelled these invasions.
2. Mahdist Threat: Yohannes faced the threat of the Mahdist forces, a militant Islamist movement from Sudan. They sought to expand their influence and captured important territories, leading to conflicts with Ethiopian forces.

It's worth noting that these challenges are a simplified representation, and the historical context of these emperors' reigns was a complex and multifaceted one. This overview provides a starting point for further study and analysis.