Use my thesis statement for this informative expository essay: Overcoming hurdles is important since life will present various challenges, and dealing with hardships helps shape our character and changes our mentality.

Body Paragraph: (Reason 1 from thesis so this would be Overcoming hurdles is important since life will present various challenges.) Topic Sentence: One sentence that introduces Supporting Idea #1 from your thesis. Specific example of Reason 1: Give a specific example for your first reason such as Martin Luther King Jr. Write 3-4 sentences that explain that example. What other details will support your topic sentence based on your own knowledge?

Body Paragraph: (Reason 2 from thesis so this would be Overcoming hurdles is important since dealing with hardships helps shape our character and changes our mentality.) Topic Sentence: One sentence that introduces Supporting Idea #2 from your thesis. Specific example of Reason 2: Give a specific example of your second reason such as Thomas Edison. Write 3-4 sentences that explain that example. What other details will support your topic sentence based on your own knowledge?

Concluding Paragraph: What is your BIG IDEA? Restate Thesis: Create a new sentence that captures the ideas from your original thesis. Summarize Body: In one sentence remind the reader of the most important ideas from the body paragraphs of the essay. Final Thought: Draw a conclusion about your topic that will bring your essay to a close. This could be an opinion statement (3rd person), a solution, or a prediction.

Body Paragraph 1:

Topic Sentence: Overcoming hurdles is important since life will present various challenges.
Specific Example of Reason 1: Martin Luther King Jr.
Explanation: Martin Luther King Jr. faced significant hurdles in his pursuit of racial equality. He fought against racism, segregation, and discrimination, often putting his own life at risk. Despite the immense challenges he encountered, King's determination and resilience helped him lead the civil rights movement and bring about significant changes in society. His ability to overcome obstacles shaped his character and inspired others to fight for justice.

Additional Supporting Details: Along with Martin Luther King Jr., there are numerous other examples that demonstrate the importance of overcoming hurdles in life. People like Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela faced their fair share of challenges, yet their perseverance and resilience led to significant social and political changes. These individuals serve as role models, showing us that overcoming obstacles is essential for personal growth and societal progress.

Body Paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence: Dealing with hardships helps shape our character and changes our mentality.
Specific Example of Reason 2: Thomas Edison.
Explanation: Thomas Edison is known for his inventions and innovations, but he encountered numerous hardships on his journey to success. He experienced countless failures while inventing the light bulb, but instead of giving up, he viewed each failure as a stepping stone towards success. This ability to persevere through setbacks and challenges shaped his character, making him determined, resilient, and adaptive. Moreover, Edison's mentality shifted from viewing failures as setbacks to seeing them as opportunities for growth and learning.

Additional Supporting Details: In addition to Edison, there are countless stories of individuals who have grown and developed their character through hardship. From athletes who train tirelessly to achieve their goals, to entrepreneurs who face numerous failures before reaching success, the ability to overcome adversity and maintain a positive mindset is crucial for personal growth. Hardships provide opportunities for resilience, problem-solving, and self-reflection, ultimately shaping our character and transforming our mentality.

Concluding Paragraph:
BIG IDEA: Overcoming hurdles is not only important because life presents various challenges, but also because it helps shape our character and changes our mentality.
Restated Thesis: The ability to overcome hurdles is crucial in life as it enables individuals to tackle challenges, shape their character, and transform their mentality.
Summary of Body: Throughout history, figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Thomas Edison have demonstrated how overcoming hurdles leads to personal growth, societal changes, and a shift in mindset. Their journeys highlight the importance of resilience, determination, and adaptability.
Final Thought: By embracing challenges and triumphing over obstacles, individuals not only strengthen their character but also contribute to a more resilient and progressive society. Overcoming hurdles is a lifelong endeavor that ultimately leads to personal transformation and a change in the wider world.