What creates the magnetic force in an electromagnet

electric current


coiled wire

iron or steel core

it's electric current

Does Anyone have the rest of the answers????

The magnetic force in an electromagnet is created by an electric current flowing through a coiled wire wrapped around an iron or steel core. The electric current generates a magnetic field around the wire, and the iron or steel core helps to concentrate and enhance this magnetic field. As a result, the electromagnet becomes magnetized and produces a strong magnetic force.

The magnetic force in an electromagnet is created by the combination of several components. Here are the step-by-step details:

1. Electric current: The flow of electric current is the primary factor that creates the magnetic force in an electromagnet. When an electric current passes through a wire, a magnetic field is generated around it.

2. Coiled wire: To enhance the magnetic force, the wire is usually wound into a coil shape. The coiling increases the number of turns and concentrates the magnetic field produced by the current, making the magnet stronger.

3. Iron or steel core: The presence of an iron or steel core within the coil further strengthens the magnetic force. Iron and steel are ferromagnetic materials, meaning they can be easily magnetized and retain their magnetism. When the current flows through the coil, it induces a magnetic field in the iron or steel core, resulting in a stronger overall magnetic force.

4. Battery or power source: To have an electromagnet, a battery or power source is required to provide the electric current. By connecting the wire to a battery, the current flows through the coil, generating a magnetic field.

In summary, the magnetic force in an electromagnet is created by the combination of an electric current passing through a coiled wire, along with the presence of an iron or steel core to enhance the magnetic field.