Graph a right triangle with the two points forming the hypotenuse. Using the sides, find the distance between the two points, to the nearest tenth (if necessary).

(-7, 2) \text{ and } (-4, -2)
(−7,2) and (−4,−2)

between (−7,2) and (−4,−2), the

distance^2 = (-2-2)^2 + (-4+7)^2
= 16+9
= 25
distance = 5

The graph of the right triangle is shown below:

\draw[->] (-8,0) -- (0,0) -- (0,-3);
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (-7,2);
\draw[->] (0,0) -- (-4,-2);
\draw[dashed] (-7,2) -- (-4,-2);
\filldraw (-7,2) circle (2pt);
\filldraw (-4,-2) circle (2pt);

The distance between the two points is 5.5.