1.Drag and drop the correct effects of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation on Europe. Effects may be used once, more than once, or not at all.


Spain forced Jews to leave the country. returned to choices list.
Protestant sects spread across Europe.
Calvinism developed.
Spain forced Jews to leave the country.
Jews in Venice were forced to live in a ghetto.
2.Which of the following was the Catholic Church's response to the development of Protestantism?

It launched the Reformation.

It removed the pope as head of the church.

Its leaders began the Counter-Reformation.

It eliminated the Inquisition.
3.Select all correct conditions.

Conditions leading to the Renaissance

Italian cities shrank as more people moved to the countryside.

Manorialism weakened.

Trade with other regions such as Africa and India increased.

Upper-class Italians moved to the cities.

Education in religious subjects grew.
4.Which of the following was an unintended consequence of censorship during the Renaissance?

People wanted to read more religious texts.

Only clergy had access to books.

People began to criticize the Church.

People no longer wanted to learn to read.
5.Why was Florence considered the heart of the early Renaissance?

It was the central home of the Catholic Church.

It was on the Mediterranean Sea.

It was a major banking and commerce center.

It was on the border of Italy and Switzerland.
6.Which artist was associated not only with painting but also with engineering?


Jan van Eyck

Pieter Bruegel

Leonardo da Vinci
7.What was the original goal of the leaders of the Reformation?

to found new Protestant churches

to defend and spread Church teachings throughout the world

to create a theocracy based on Christian teachings

to fix corruption and problems in the Catholic Church
8.What was the purpose of the Council of Trent?

to punish heretics and non-believers

to put Martin Luther on trial for attacking the Church

to persecute Jews and force them to live in ghettos

to reform the Catholic Church from within
Help Plz Asap :( I don't wanna fail :(


- Protestant sects spread across Europe.
- Calvinism developed.

- Spain forced Jews to leave the country.
- Jews in Venice were forced to live in a ghetto.

2. C. Its leaders began the Counter-Reformation.

3. Conditions leading to the Renaissance:
- Manorialism weakened.
- Trade with other regions such as Africa and India increased.
- Upper-class Italians moved to the cities.

4. C. People began to criticize the Church.

5. C. It was a major banking and commerce center.

6. D. Leonardo da Vinci

7. D. to fix corruption and problems in the Catholic Church

8. D. to reform the Catholic Church from within

1. Drag and drop the correct effects of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation on Europe. Effects may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

- Protestant sects spread across Europe.
- Calvinism developed.

- Spain forced Jews to leave the country.
- Jews in Venice were forced to live in a ghetto.

Explanation: The Reformation resulted in the spread of Protestant sects and the development of Calvinism. The Counter-Reformation, on the other hand, involved actions such as Spain forcing Jews to leave the country and Jews in Venice being confined to ghettos.

2. The Catholic Church's response to the development of Protestantism was:

C. Its leaders began the Counter-Reformation.

Explanation: The Catholic Church responded to the development of Protestantism by initiating the Counter-Reformation. This was an effort to address some of the issues raised by the Protestant movement and to reaffirm Catholic teachings.

3. Select all correct conditions leading to the Renaissance.

- Manorialism weakened.
- Trade with other regions such as Africa and India increased.
- Upper-class Italians moved to the cities.
- Education in religious subjects grew.

Explanation: Conditions leading to the Renaissance included the weakening of manorialism, increased trade with other regions, the migration of the upper-class to cities, and the growth of education in religious subjects.

4. An unintended consequence of censorship during the Renaissance was:

C. People began to criticize the Church.

Explanation: Censorship during the Renaissance led to some unintended consequences, one of which was that it sparked criticism of the Church. As people were restricted from accessing certain ideas and information, they began to question the authority and practices of the Church.

5. Florence was considered the heart of the early Renaissance because:

C. It was a major banking and commerce center.

Explanation: Florence was a significant city during the early Renaissance due to its status as a major banking and commerce center. It attracted wealthy patrons who supported the arts and culture, making it a hub of artistic innovation and intellectual activity.

6. The artist associated not only with painting but also with engineering was:

D. Leonardo da Vinci

Explanation: Leonardo da Vinci was not only a renowned painter but also a skilled engineer and inventor. His artistic genius extended to various fields, including engineering and scientific exploration.

7. The original goal of the leaders of the Reformation was:

D. To fix corruption and problems in the Catholic Church.

Explanation: The leaders of the Reformation sought to address corruption and problems within the Catholic Church. They aimed to reform the Church and return it to what they believed were its original teachings and practices.

8. The purpose of the Council of Trent was:

D. To reform the Catholic Church from within.

Explanation: The Council of Trent was an important event in the Counter-Reformation. Its purpose was to address issues raised by the Protestant Reformation and enact reforms to strengthen the Catholic Church from within.

1. Effects of the Reformation:

- Protestant sects spread across Europe.
- Calvinism developed.

Effects of the Counter-Reformation:
- Spain forced Jews to leave the country.
- Jews in Venice were forced to live in a ghetto.

2. The Catholic Church's response to the development of Protestantism was:
- Its leaders began the Counter-Reformation.

3. Correct conditions leading to the Renaissance:
- Manorialism weakened.
- Trade with other regions such as Africa and India increased.
- Upper-class Italians moved to the cities.
- Education in religious subjects grew.

4. An unintended consequence of censorship during the Renaissance was:
- People began to criticize the Church.

5. Florence was considered the heart of the early Renaissance because:
- It was a major banking and commerce center.

6. The artist associated not only with painting but also with engineering was:
- Leonardo da Vinci.

7. The original goal of the leaders of the Reformation was:
- To fix corruption and problems in the Catholic Church.

8. The purpose of the Council of Trent was:
- To reform the Catholic Church from within.