10. All of the following are effects of industrial growth and the nse of labor unions in Texas

(1 point)

during the late 1800s except

Workers began to demand higher pay and better working conditions. The creation of labor unions contributed to future reform movements

The Knights of Labor encouraged workers to unite across different industries. Industries related to agriculture declined and industries related to manufacturing increased

The growth of the railroad industry led to increased economic development in Texas.

The growth of the oil industry led to increased economic development in Texas.

The statement you provided includes two effects of industrial growth and the rise of labor unions in Texas during the late 1800s and one effect that did not occur.

1. Workers began to demand higher pay and better working conditions: This is an effect of industrial growth and the rise of labor unions. As industries expanded, workers started to organize themselves into labor unions to improve their working conditions and negotiate for higher wages.

2. The creation of labor unions contributed to future reform movements: This is another effect of industrial growth and the rise of labor unions. The formation of labor unions in Texas during this time period also spurred future reform movements, leading to further improvements in workers' rights and labor laws.

3. Industries related to agriculture declined, and industries related to manufacturing increased: This statement does not reflect an effect of industrial growth and the rise of labor unions in Texas during the late 1800s. While it is true that industrial growth during this period led to the expansion of manufacturing industries, it does not necessarily mean that industries related to agriculture declined. The rise of manufacturing industries would have coexisted with existing agricultural industries.