Stars can be many different colors. Which star in the chart has the highest surface temperature?

SC.8.E.5.5 (1 point)

The star with the highest surface temperature is the blue star.

To determine which star in the chart has the highest surface temperature, you would need to refer to the given chart. However, the code "SC.8.E.5.5" does not provide any relevant information for finding the chart or the stars mentioned. It seems to be a reference to a standard or a topic in a specific educational curriculum.

If you have access to the chart or can provide more context, I would be happy to help you analyze the data and identify the star with the highest surface temperature.

To determine which star in the chart has the highest surface temperature, we need to look for the star with the highest spectral class, which is commonly indicated by a letter (O, B, A, F, G, K, M) in the stellar classification system.

However, since you haven't provided the chart or any options, I am unable to give you a specific answer. If you provide the chart or any specific details, I will be able to assist you further in finding the star with the highest surface temperature.