Create an image illustrating the abstract concept of a mathematical operation. It shows an algebraic equation '5x + 8 = 63' being solved. The main elements of the image are numerical expressions and an operation symbol representing subtraction. The chosen value for the subtraction operation is visually emphasized but no specific number is shown. The composition has a clean and minimalist aesthetic with a calming color palette.

Randall needs to solve the equation 5x + 8 = 63 His first mathematical operation used to isolate x is subtraction. Which value will he apply it to

To isolate x in the equation 5x + 8 = 63, Randall will first apply the subtraction operation to the constant term, which is 8.

He will subtract 8 from both sides of the equation.

To isolate the variable x in the equation 5x + 8 = 63, Randall needs to perform mathematical operations to manipulate the equation and isolate x on one side of the equation.

The first mathematical operation he should use depends on the goal of isolating x. In this case, Randall should subtract 8 from both sides of the equation.

Here's how to do it step-by-step:

1. Start with the equation 5x + 8 = 63.
2. To eliminate the 8 on the left side of the equation, subtract 8 from both sides of the equation:
(5x + 8) - 8 = 63 - 8.
This simplifies to:
5x = 55.
3. Now, the equation is simplified to 5x = 55.
4. To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 5:
(5x)/5 = 55/5.
This simplifies to:
x = 11.

So, Randall will apply the subtraction operation to the 8 on both sides of the equation to isolate x.