Which of the following is a logical criteria for assessing the purpose of a piece of music?

A. the ability of the music to trigger memories
B. the use of the musical piece to demonstrate motor skills
C. the ability of the fast tempo to provide a tool for meditation
D. the resistance of the musician to express their personal feelings

B. the use of the musical piece to demonstrate motor skills

To assess the purpose of a piece of music, it is important to consider the logical criteria. Let's break down the options:

A. the ability of the music to trigger memories: This criteria focuses on the emotional impact of the music rather than its purpose. It is not a logical criteria for assessing purpose.

B. the use of the musical piece to demonstrate motor skills: This criteria refers to the physical aspect of playing music, which is not directly related to assessing the purpose of the piece.

C. the ability of the fast tempo to provide a tool for meditation: This criteria seems contradictory since fast tempo is often associated with energizing or stimulating music, rather than calming music for meditation. Therefore, it may not be a logical criteria for assessing purpose.

D. the resistance of the musician to express their personal feelings: This criteria relates to the personal approach of the musician, but it does not directly indicate the purpose of the piece. It may be one factor to consider, but it alone does not provide a complete assessment of purpose.

Based on the options provided, none of them are a direct logical criteria for assessing the purpose of a piece of music. However, some potential logical criteria could include the historical context, artistic intentions, cultural influences, or intended audience of the piece. These factors can more directly inform the purpose of the music.

The logical criteria for assessing the purpose of a piece of music can vary depending on individual perspectives, but option A, the ability of the music to trigger memories, is a common criterion used to assess the purpose of music.