During the First Crusade, the Princes' Crusade resulted in European forces:

being crushed by Muslim armies.

abandoning the Catholic Church.

capturing the city of Jerusalem.

protecting Jews from pogroms.

The answer is C. capturing the city of Jerusalem.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the events of the Princes' Crusade during the First Crusade. The First Crusade was launched in 1096 by European Christians in response to the call to recapture the Holy Land from Muslim control. The Princes' Crusade was one of the major campaigns within the First Crusade.

During the Princes' Crusade, European forces, led by various Christian princes, embarked on a long and arduous journey to the Middle East. They faced significant challenges along the way, including harsh weather, lack of supplies, and attacks from local populations.

After several successful battles and sieges, the European forces eventually reached Jerusalem in 1099. They launched a brutal assault on the city, breaching its walls and capturing it from the Fatimid Caliphate. The capture of Jerusalem by the European forces marked a major turning point in the First Crusade.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. capturing the city of Jerusalem.