Felicia Johnson paid $125 to join a tennis club. She pays an additional $5 every time she uses one of the

club's tennis courts. Use this information to answer the following questions.
a. Write an equation that describes Felicia's total cost for playing tennis as a function of the number of times she plays. Let C the total cost and n = the number of times she plays.
b. Describe the domain and range of the function.
c. Felicia does not want to spend more than $275 to play tennis during the summer. What is the maximum number of times that she can play tennis on the club's courts for this amount?

a. C = 125 + 5n

b. The domain of the function is all real numbers greater than or equal to 0, and the range is all real numbers greater than or equal to 125.
c. The maximum number of times Felicia can play tennis on the club's courts for $275 is 45 times.

Messed up the last part

c) 125 + 5n ≤ 275
5n ≤ 150
n ≤ 30